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I have returned

Back from vacation and life changes

I know it has been quite some time since my last post, I was on vacation and didn't have much time for such things. I am happy to announce that I not only travelled the world a little bit, I got married. It was a bit of a surprise, but the most delightful surprise I could have ever wanted.

As for my career, I have had to make a pivot and start working in a new location. I was also suprised by this piece of information. I had announced to the world, via social media, that I had gotten married, and due to that bit of good news, the owner of my former salon decided that I am no longer a good fit at the salon. It really threw me off for just a minute, but I gathered myself and made a few calls. Okay, I didn't make any calls, but I sent emails and texts to various salon owners in town to see what might be open as far as a space to rent. I found a new salon almost immediately.

I am happy to be in a location that is a little closer to my home, much easier to get there every day. I am continuing to work full time and have mostly managed to inform all of my clients that I am now working out of this new location. I don't like the process of moving salons, but this time it went very smoothly. I don't feel like it will take too long to feel at home.

I am still working as an educator for Matrix and that is going very well. I have a class coming up that was sold out. How exciting is that? I am very satisfied with the way things are going. I have the best clients in the world and the best job in the world. I don't think I would trade it ever. I just have to adjust to the changes as they come. I am looking forward to the return to regular blog posts and the day-to-day of being at home and working a normal schedule. I am so grateful for all that I have. I hope that anyone reading this is having a good day. I will write again soon.