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Changing my work location
I am about to embark on a new adventure. I will be moving to a new salon in just about 10 days. I found a new spot to call home; 4th Dimension Salon. I am excited for this new adventure. This time I have had plenty of time and warning that I needed to move, as my current salon is closing. I am hoping that this will bring me great success and a chance to connect with new people. I feel that the new salon has a great vibe and it really fits my character. I will know for sure when I get there. This may even bring me new opportunities for different types of clients that don't walk up stairs to find a salon. It also means that some of my lesser abled clients will have the ability to get to the salon and not have to climb stairs. I am greatly looking forward to the move. Next I write I will update on how the new place is treating me.