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Choosing my path

It's another reflection on what it is I want to do with my career.

These past two weeks have shown me something super important. Two weeks ago, I only serviced one client. That made it my slowest work week ever. This past week, I had my busiest, most profitable work week this year. The swing in either direction is unpredictable and disconcerting. I don't currently have the financial ability to withstand more than about a week of no business. That is a stressful thing. I even went to the salon to wait for any possible walk-in or call-in customers. So, two hours out of my day on the bus, to go to the salon and do nothing.

I am learning more and more that I may need to suppliment my income. I don't want to get a regular job, though. I really enjoy the freedom that being my own boss entails. I don't want to be under someone else's direction. Maybe that is my downfall. I know that I have the ablility to handle all of the things, but I lack the desire to "put myself out there" to get new clients. I am still content to have referrals, but not necessarily true strangers.

Plus, I am determined to get back to school and pursue my doctorate in social anthropology, in regards to hair and its influence on culture and vice versa. Can I balance both work and school in the future? I think I can, but it is difficult to know for sure.

Thusly, I am wandering a well-trod path of my own. I will consider what I really want and what I can do about that. If the work is worth the reward. What do I want in life? How do I achieve that? What can I change to get the results that I need? All good questions and I will contemplate each one and maybe I can find the balance of work and play and study.