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The return...

I am back from vacation

It has been some time since I was able to write a blog post. I admit, I didn't find any spare time in the 2 months since I have been back from my vacation. I was going through a number of things and had nary a spare second to handle my affairs. I had nearly forgotten about writing in my blog. So, I shall spend the next few paragraphs getting all things caught up.

I spent much of my vacation not thinking about hair. It was a nice little break from the daily. I suppose I could have tried to do some research while I was travelling, maybe make my vacation a business trip. However, I chose to just take a step back from all of the usual things. It was nice to see the world without being influenced too much by all of the things I "need" to do for work and my education. Of course I noticed the hairstyles that were around me. I just didn't worry too much about learning anything about it.

Once I had returned, I had to go nearly immediately back to work. I flew in on a Sunday and I had to go to work on Monday. I worked nearly non-stop for the first three weeks I was home. Along with working in the salon, I had to travel to present classes for Matrix. Which meant that during my "days off" I was on my way to another SalonCentric store, either in Oregon or Washington, to teach about the latest products and techniques from Matrix. I am glad that I am officially an educator, but it was very tiring.

The other thing that I have had a break on is my college classes. Things have gone a bit sideways with my financial aid and I need to address that before I can get back to taking my classes to pursue my doctorate. I will sort out the finances soon and get back to school, I hope, in winter term. I am sure I couldn't have actually taken fall term, even if it was available. I was un-housed, working a lot and generally too busy to add studies into the mix.

I will return to my regular schedule now. I plan on making weekly blog posts, doing more research on my own, working a lighter schedule(Wed. - Sat.), and provide education where it is asked for. I look forward to sharing more grand adventures and interesting information as I find it.