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Time flies

...there's not enough time...

Well, to start with, I am "late" to my own party. I had quite a week last week and didn't ever seem to find the time to lay out a proper blog post. So, there's that. I am so busy with things outside of the hair game, that I am finding less time to do the things that I need to do to obtain my goal of educator. While I am still moving forward on it, it goes slowly until it is almost at a deadline. And all of a sudden I am panicking to complete the project on time. I am managing, I would just like a little balance. 

That is why I am striving to get a solid schedule going. If I know what I need to do and when I need to do it by, then I feel I could make some progress. There are a few things that don't necessarily fall under the umbrella of knowing "when". Take my book, for instance. I have talked and talked about starting the writing process, but I keep making excuses why I just don't have the time right now to actually do proper research and begin the rough drafting. And it is unfortunate, because I feel the world needs the information. Do I prune away other activities to account for the time it would take to properly get started?

As it stands now, my focus is on learning all I can in all of the subjects I am pursuing. That means that I don't have much free time for being social. I feel that my strengths are in my love of the pursuit of knowledge, now I need to translate those into marketable strategies. I have plans to get back to regular programming very soon. Also, making some decisions regarding what it is I want to create for my audience. Who is my audience? The common person, the hair enthusiast, the hairdresser, the historian, all of the above? I have, at least, uploaded some videos to my YouTube channel. I would like to make that a more regular occurance as well. 

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I do hope the next post is something more along the lines of sharing cool information and tips and tricks. Tune in next time to see what I am up to.